Blue Skies
Charter Flights
All listings are categorized by destinations ordered alphabetically. There are several options to choose from:
- Private Charter Flights: You and your group rent a plane to travel to your destination setting the date and time you want to do the trip.
- Shared Charter Flights: You jump in a charter flight that departs to a destination on a set date. Depends on availability.
- Empty Legs: Limited-time offers at a reduced cost where you can take a flight to a destination on a given date and time. These flights usually sell up quickly so act fast!
All our Charter Flights
- All
- Bahía Piña
- Bocas del Toro
- Chame
- Changuinola
- Charter Flights
- Chitré
- Coiba
- Colón
- Corazón de Jesús
- Darién
- David
- Econo plus
- Empty Legs
- Guararé
- Guna Yala
- Isla Colón
- Isla Contadora
- Lago Bay
- Miraflores
- One way trip / Round Trip
- Panamá
- Pedasí
- Pedro González
- Penonomé
- Pixvae
- Porvenir
- Premium ticket
- Puerto Obaldía
- Rambala
- Regular flights
- Round trip
- Río Hato
- San Blas
- San José
- San Miguel
- Santiago
- Shared charter flights