Rent a plane for a private charter flight for a One Way Trip from Panama to Isla Colón OR return flight from Isla Colón to Panama City.
- Maximum allowed baggage per passenger is 25lbs (11.36kg)
- All passengers must identify with Passport or ID (Panama residents)
- Maximum combined weight means total weight of passengers and cargo/luggage
- For a round trip, price doubles.
If this is the case, please tell our staff at the moment of confirmation so they can set the right price.
There are 2 aircrafts for this trip
Cessna 172
- Maximum capacity: 3 passengers
- Max. combined weight: 550lbs.(250kg)
- See more about this aircraft
- Maximum capacity: 5 passengers
- Maxium combined weight: 950lbs. (432kg)
- See more about this aircraft