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Colón, located on the northern coast of Panama, is a city steeped in rich history and a vibrant hub of commerce. It played a pivotal role during the construction of the Panama Canal, serving as a crucial port and connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

More about Colón

The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute: A Century of Scientific Excellence and Conservation

and where to find them? In 2023, the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) in Panama celebrates a monumental milestone: its centennial. For a century, this institute has been the epicenter of scientific research in the tropics, unraveling the mysteries of the lush forests, vibrant coral reefs, and varied tropical ecosystems that make up Panama’s tapestry. […]

Portobelo: A Jewel Born of the Conquest

Portobelo a jewel born of the Conquest Location Portobelo is located on the Caribbean coast of the Republic of Panama, in the province of Colón. The name of the province of Colón comes from the Portuguese navigator Christopher Columbus who later became a Spanish national. Portobelo was one of the first places on land that […]
colon railroad


Where all the riches passed through Colón, located on the northern coast of Panama, is a city steeped in rich history and a vibrant hub of commerce. It played a pivotal role during the construction of the Panama Canal, serving as a crucial port and connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Nature Enthusiasts’ Delight Nature […]